Matt Sloan, Wisconsin, 1999


Matt Sloan (left) and Mike Verveer (right), Alderpersons, Common Council, Madison, Wisconsin. Photo by Ron Schlittler.

Matt Sloan

Common Council, District 13

Madison, Wisconsin

10,000 constituents

Career Overview

Elected April 1999

Re-elected 2001, 2003

Served as Common Council President 2002-2003



Biographical information for Matt Sloan

Matt Sloan attended college in Los Angeles as an undergraduate and majored in international relations. He attended graduate school at the University of Madison-Wisconsin studying poverty and welfare reform.

Sloan persued this course of study and becoming a council person because, he says, "I grew up on welfare." Sloan is the oldest of five children and was raised by his grandparents. He believes this experience helps him understand the concerns of the South Madison residents.

As an Alderman, Sloan focused on housing and work with children with a focus on creating a positive environment. He worked to bring a new police station to the area and also helped win a $2.5 million project to improve Wingra Creek.

Sloan retired from the Council in 2004 to relocate to Washington D.C. to work for Mathematica Policy Research. Mathematica is known for research on the nation's social problems. The concerns include, children's health and welfare, care of elderly.