U.S. Homophile Internationalism: Archive and Exhibit, 1953-1964, by Marc Stein, Tamara de Szegheo Lang, Shlomo Gleibman, Sage Milo, Dasha Serykh, Carly Simpson, and Healy Thompson
An archive and exhibit exploring U.S. homophile magazine references to various regions of the world in the 1950s and 1960s. The regions are (1) Africa; (2) Asia and the Pacific; (3) Canada; (4) Latin America and the Caribbean; (5) the Middle East; and (6) Russia, the Soviet Union, and Eastern Europe. Originally published on OutHistory in 2015. The authors later expanded this work for a special 2017 issue of the Journal of Homosexuality: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/wjhm20/64/7.